At Home Grown Children’s Eco Nursery we understand the importance of parents being
involved in their children’s daily activities, progress and development in their nursery environment.
We believe parents have the right to be included in their children’s pre-school experiences
and that through working closely with parents, we can better identify the needs of each child.
Families are central to a child’s well-being and we support this by sharing as much information
and help for extended learning at home, making Home Grown Nursery an extension of your home.
Open Door Policy
As our aim is to work closely with parents, we have implemented an 'open door' policy
allows parents to communicate freely with staff and teachers. We encourage parents
to make regular visits to their child’s class room and talk to teachers frequently
regarding their child’s progress at home and nursery.
Parent Volunteers
We want parents to be as involved in Home Grown Nursery as possible, so we invite them
to volunteer during nursery hours. Although we have a programme in place, we are open
to suggestions, so if you have a skill and would like to share it with our children
and teachers, please let a member of staff know. For more information
about our 'Parents as Partners' programme, please enquire at the office.